Sunday, September 6, 2009

First day of the week

The quiet before the bustle of the house getting up. Here I sit at around 8:30am on Sunday morning, with only a ticking clock and snoozing dogs for company. The living/dining rooms and kitchen are still clean and pretty from company last night. Love that. We'd not had dinner guests in awhile, so yesterday I spent much of the afternoon straightening, vacuuming and all-around cleaning. So rewarding.

But today, with one son attending services at another church (in addition to where we go on Saturday nights), it seems each day of the week has its busyness. I've asked my husband if he's inclined to take Labor Day off tomorrow. I could see the wheels turning in his head. I think he's considering. After all, he worked yesterday, so I think he's due.

Looking forward to a slow day today. I have a book to read, and with the wonderful rain we unexpectedly had (didn't show on the weather radar) after dark last night, the air is cool and clean. The dust will be at bay today.

Now will go sit in the dim light of the living room and sniff my new candle (Mediterranean Fig). Enjoy your day!