Saturday, September 12, 2009


Overcast this morning, with a hint of dampness in the air. The weather map doesn't show any clouds, but they're there. And my head aches slightly and that tends to be the best forecaster I know. Would love, absolutely love a rainy weekend. After our first week of school, a birthday, and general busyness, some forced in-house-ness would be a treat.

Husband and I have a movie to watch tonight anyway---Robert Downey, Jr.'s 'The Soloist'. I'm a fan of Downey anyhow, who wouldn't be?, so that will be fun. He's a cutie....maybe has a challenging/difficult life in real time, but I do enjoy his acting.

I'm having a bit of a challenge myself. Would like your responses. Have been asked to feed 4 feral cats that are in a neighbor's yard while she looks for a renter. The cats are one mom and 3 kittens, now almost full-grown. Her plan is to trap them, get them neutered/spayed, then put them back in the neighborhood. I'm not a fan of wild cats, and while they do hunt (good and bad), I don't see the logic of doing the surgeries and then just putting homeless cats back on the street. Opinions? I really would like to hear what other folks have to say. Really.

Now off to have my tea. Have to wake the woodworker in a minute for him to go finish painting a cabinet. I'm gonna chill.