Time for another news black-out for me since this country is being run by a yutz. Not interested in being dragged through continual nonsense, and need to pay attention to the important things at home.
The way I see it, folks talk way too much as it is. Nobody's listening and if they are, the idea is that they're spending more of their time figuring out what they'll say in response, and aren't attending to the talker anyway. I say this in response to the world at large, and in a personal way as well.
That's what I think.
Wrankled? You betcha. And it feels goooooooooood.
The way I see it, folks talk way too much as it is. Nobody's listening and if they are, the idea is that they're spending more of their time figuring out what they'll say in response, and aren't attending to the talker anyway. I say this in response to the world at large, and in a personal way as well.
That's what I think.
Wrankled? You betcha. And it feels goooooooooood.