Wednesday, September 9, 2009


The plan was to get to sleep earlier than usual last night, only to be disturbed by a banging from outside at around midnight. Only the boyfriend of the girl across the street trying to kick in the door. Ain't life grand? They quieted down after a bit, I closed my eyes and my husband began to read again. Pause. More noise. Boyfriend chases girl around yard and around SUV. Husband puts on street clothes and begins to go outside. Drama stops before husband leaves house and the kids end up going back inside. Husband settles with his book again. Pause. More banging. This time the boyfriend succeeds in kicking in the wooden door. Joy. Police come, put handcuffs on boyfriend, drive off with him and sleep finally comes to our house at around 2am.

And you know what the presiding thought in my head while this nonsense was going on? The young man's dad who I've seen across the street, helping cut the grass. The thought of a 'middle-of-the-night' call from the police station must be awful.

Life's tough.

Regardless, today was a good day. School went well and a 2 hour nap this afternoon put paid to my exhaustion. I just find it so amazing how the lives other folks live out can impact one person. There really is a trickle down effect going on.