Sunday, February 28, 2010

About the header

The photo on my header was taken by our oldest daughter when she visited relatives in Nashville last summer. The site was the Parthenon, one of the coolest places to visit there. She spied the young man sitting on the steps and then walking away, and what's so neat is the way the photo ended up. I cropped the electric pole to the right, making the picture more rectangular, but wasn't aware at first of how significant that cropping would be.

One of my friends online (who shall go nameless!) saw it as I did...after I put it up several months ago. You can see a wide path that leads to the left (not meaning to be political there), and the cross to the right, but a bit harder to reach with no visible path. And the young man shambles forward, but the onlooker doesn't quite know which way he'll go.

Seems metaphorical, and actually perfect for the title of my blog here. 'Course with my record of changing headers like a person changes clothes, not sure how long it'll be up, but it really does work best if you're trying for a message.

Neat, huh?