Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday morning

A fresh new week. Have been glad to have some quiet this morning before everyone (except dogs) stir and make noise. The weekend was full, and while it was all good, still----I do enjoy the time when the house sleeps.

Lots continuing to go on in 2 of our childrens' love lives. Makes me tired! Too much emotion and anxiousness, and I got to bed last night feeling sort of dishrag-like. Their enthusiasm reminds me of a litter of puppies, so excited and feeling like they've literally got the world by the tail. I remember those days, but my recollection of some it has faded. I turn 51 this week, so maybe I need a refresher course in spontaneity and silliness.

Did enjoy church yesterday morning, though. Our 20 year old son goes to a different church than the rest of us, though he rides with us when we go---which sadly hasn't been since Christmas Eve services since we've been continually sick in this house since then. Good stuff at his church. More spontaneous than the mega church we regularly visit. And, you know, sometimes at church you can just tell that the Lord's present. That was yesterday. Draining as well, but also, in a good way.

My brain is full, so will spend the day with washing the clothes that are piled in the dirty clothes basket in the hall closet. The pile is literally about 4-1/2 feet tall, and that's a bit awe-inspiring. Boggles the mind. Thought I was keeping up, but obviously not!

Praying for grace to meet the day and the abilitiy to listen when the kids need to share. Enjoy yours.

Oh, btw, we had more snow last night. Roads are clear but, my goodness, the yard looks pretty!