Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Facing Your Giants by Max Lucado

Max Lucado's book, 'Facing Your Giants', is very encouraging, and one I've needed to read. Everyone has monsters in their closets of some sort, things that pressure and attempt to control them. Lucado uses the story of David in the Old Testament to show the reader how to deal with and overcome their own personal struggles. He doesn't paint a picture of ease, but tells how oftentimes the believer will give up when trying to put things behind them. In poetic language, he shares stories of others who have battled their giants and how the Lord has provided solutions and escape.

David's a great example. He failed miserable and repeatedly, but still, God held him up as an example to all of us. And not just an example of forgiveness, but proof of how fallible we humans can be. Even when we're disappointing the Lord, He is loving us through it. I find great comfort in that.

I'm a member of Thomas Nelson's blogger book review program called BookSneeze. More information can be found at their website.