Happy Birthday to me.
Need to get some groceries in the house for my birthday dinner. Husband said he'd go with me last night to get stuff, but I put the kibosh on that. We were just so tired. So later on this morning will get fixings for a Chinese dish that's in the crock pot cookbook...Hot and Spicy Chicken or something like that. It's yummy. And the least one wants to make my cake (with assistance from a sibling), and I told her to make whatever *she* wanted. The end result will be pink, no doubt, and probably strawberry. Husband frowned at that, but I figure if she's that excited about it, she ought to make herself happy in the bargain. Plus, she's so doggone cute.
Well, must be off. I think I'll go read while the house wakes up. Have a good one...I intend to! Doesn't hurt that the high temperature today is supposed to be in the upper forties, and it's sunny. That's a gift in itself. :)
(not my photo, but nabbed from an old blogger template)
Well, must be off. I think I'll go read while the house wakes up. Have a good one...I intend to! Doesn't hurt that the high temperature today is supposed to be in the upper forties, and it's sunny. That's a gift in itself. :)
(not my photo, but nabbed from an old blogger template)