Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My sunny Tuesday

'A change is as good as a rest.'

Spent yesterday at Molly's, which was much needed. Getting away, visiting, eating a good lunch she'd picked up at Panera (almost as good as Molly's cooking!) and just having girl time. We joked about places she asked if I'd been to, and I responded that of course I'd not been there because I never get out. Even in my own head, it gets ridiculous. This girlfriend is a true blessing, not just with her cheerful talk, but with her friendship. So thankful we found one another after so many years of being apart---but I guess if you meet a person in seventh grade, the connection stays true.

Going to get my act together with schoolwork again today. We're caught up after being sick, or in my head we are, and we have some artwork to look at this morning. I shared my new schedule of going heavy on the drawing, study of architecture and painting and taking a break from the school basics with a family member. Their response was to immediately ask about history, math and the other subjects that we've set to the side temporarily. All of a sudden, I felt guilty. Realized it just yesterday when it seemed that the teaching part of the schooling had gotten to be a drag again.

I was listening to the wrong voice. This person was being concerned, but I figure if I've been at it this long, then I honestly do have a handle on things.

Yeah, that darn guilt rearing its ugly head.

Literally, going back to the drawing board. I sure enjoy teaching more now that we've tweaked the schedule a bit. The kids do their *basic subject* work on their own for now, and together we're into the study of art. All of their drawing skills are improving, even our 16 year old son who writes like a dream, but gets all buggy-eyed when it's time to draw.

Now to enjoy a home day...it's sunny outside (for now) and I'm intending to enjoy it.

(photo of the tea cabinet my husband made awhile back....stuffed full!)