Pretty quiet around here, with the weather drizzly and the house quiet with children recovering from sore throats and sniffles. Fortunately this bug is short-lived, with them being sick only about 3 days. We can all handle that.
I cut some more forsythia from the garden to put into a vase on the piano, and oldest daughter's guest from the weekend bought me a bouquet of campanula (canterbury bells). So pretty and purple. She scored high with that selection, especially with the color. With a few daffodils stuck in a vase as well, we're all flowery inside.
Re-reading 'Jane Eyre', and hoping to get into 'Persuasion' after that. I'm taking a mini-break from reviewing any books. It gets a tad tiresome having to give critiques when I really don't feel motivated. Finished Paul E. Miller's 'A Praying Life', last night, and it really got me to thinking. It's not a feel-good book, but one that causes the reader to take prayer more seriously, and to get involved in a more conversational relationship with the Lord. I found myself alternately crying and becoming frustrated---all fine emotions considering the book's content. It was all good. And am picking up Swenson's 'A Minute of Margin' from time to time---getting myself more settled in my mind, and making time for quiet. It's not always a priority, but this book forces you to adopt a less hectic lifestyle.
Will rest a bit more then am going to whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Taking time to do homey tasks, and even while I was at the grocery store yesterday, just wanted to focus on home. Cookies help with that. :) Vegetable soup simmers in the crock pot and there are plenty of teabags available. You're welcome to pop in anytime, especially when the house is tidy (like now!).