“There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea.” ~Bernard-Paul Heroux
Husband is at work and the house continues to sleep. Yeah, it's late in the morning for most sleeping to be done, but with two boys working at a restaurant that often doesn't allow them to return home until near midnight, our routines take a different route sometimes. Plus, several of the children are still recovering from colds. You know how it is.
Hopefully the rain is going to stop today. I yearn to hang out some clothes, but it's still drippy out there, and with the ground so wet, would be an exercise in futility.
Still, hoping and praying for a good day and an attitude to go along with it. Grocery buying to be done, dog food to get in, and minor tidying in the house. I intend to get to the bottom of the dirty clothes basket, though. Gary had a hard time finding socks to lay out for this morning's wear, and the kids tend to swipe his from his drawer, especially since many times he tends to be the only tidy one around here. Out of ten people in this house, only 3 of them are orderly with their stuff. The rest of us are slobs. Bless 'em. :)
In closing, am thankful for my niece and her son who are staying with my mom for a few days this week. That gives me a mental breather, even though the worry over my mom doesn't let up too awfully much. I have physical distance for now, which is sometimes necessary. I'm a tiny bit concerned for my mom's mental state, and not sure if her unsteadiness is due to being homebound (her choice) for so many weeks, or if there's something else going on. Her hearing is getting gradually weaker, and I know that needs to be addressed before too much more time has passed. Talking to her has become a challenge, and I find myself *not* telling her some things because the effort of making her understand can be frustrating.
Am understanding why solitary confinement is a punishment for folks in prison. With my mom mainly getting her socialization via the telephone, with very few visitors, her personality has changed. Maybe that's what's contributing to her mental oddness. Who'd have thought that a broken arm would be so complicated?
By the way, new photos up on my Tumblr. Please visit. :)