Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A very chilly Tuesday morning

Bought a fresh, new copy of 'Jane Eyre' yesterday with some of my birthday money.  My old version is worn out---can't read it anymore without the pages falling out, not that that's a bad thing, but not very convenient.  Got the paperback Modern Library editions of Jane and 'Persuasion' and they're so pretty.  Nice covers and readable type.  The older I get, the more important an eye-pleasing font is to me. :)

Anyway, trying to mentally kick back and focus on things right in front of me.  Today will be full of a library trip, taking one son to work and possibly making a side trip to Fresh Market to look at tea.  I still have some birthday money to spend, and might indulge myself a tiny bit.  Sometimes we're due that, you know?

Hamburgers, fries and slaw for dinner, with the possibility of a chocolate layer cake.  As always, wish you were here.