Saturday, March 19, 2011

A warm Saturday afternoon

The blogging world has been a bit more quiet than usual this past week.  Least the folks I visit on a regular basis.  Not sure but the tragedy in Japan has affected us more deeply than we're able to admit.  It is jarring.  But maybe that's not the reason for the silences.  Just thinking it might be a possibility.

When I see or hear about such hard times, I find myself unable to enjoy my own life as well as usual.  I commiserate to the extreme---and that's not good.  It's healthy to have balance.  Empathise, yes.  But to live my own life as well.  Not always easy for me.

But today is so pretty, it's a shame to bury it in painful thoughts.  Have tried to slow down and rest.  Sat out on the front porch this morning and enjoyed the quiet.  Our across-the-street neighbors who get riled (usually on the weekends) have been away, which is nice.  Once the cars begin to arrive at the grandmother's house (she's the one who really lives there), then we tend to stay inside more on those days.  They do get loud.

Will leave in a bit to buy some groceries for a couple of days.  Have a hankering to make a fancy dessert, but not sure what exactly that means.  Maybe something we've never had.  That'd be nice and something to look forward to.  I'll watch for the moon at sunset since it's supposed to be larger than normal, being that it's 'super moon' day.  Supposedly the closer it is to the horizon, the more impressive it will be, and thankfully we've had a clear day.

Time to be off and doing things.  Have a restful weekend.