Had some alone time this morning while Gary was showering---just thinking about him being at the shop later on, and brooding on how he needs work to come in. A woman he's done something for in the past asked for a bid for twin beds earlier this week, and got back with him yesterday and said no. She wanted to go to Pottery Barn instead, and Gary said he can't even begin to compete with those prices. Another bid is out for a bedside table, and he's not heard a response on that one. A designer has a client who showed interest in a pair of chairs he'd made, but we're waiting on that as well.
A life of faith. I'm not always a fan. But sometimes, there's a tiny twinkle in my heart that believes God when He reminds us to not be anxious. To tell Him about everything. To have faith like a mustard seed (always wondered if there was a metaphor hidden in that verse since surely, surely I have *that* much faith).
Getting back to that first paragraph....well, I started brooding, but soon went into prayer mode. I get antsy and try to figure out things, and then tend to break down and realize that God's got it all under control. I'm reminded of things He's done in the past that I could never have imagined.
Even yesterday, in regards to Daisy the pug....I figured there would be either Plan A or Plan B. The first one would've been the bladder stones being gone. Plan B would've involved surgery. As it happens, Plan C occurred with Daisy getting a new diet. Nothing earth-shattering, but another way of the situation working out. And in general life, that seems to hold true as well. I'll dream up a way for God to answer my prayers, and 9 times out of 10 He's got it covered in some unexpected manner.
My main malfunction? I tend to be overly dramatic, imagining the worst case scenario. The way I figure it, if I mentally go to the extreme, I'm never disappointed since that never happens. Well, rarely.
Oldest daughter is taking me out to lunch today. Gary leaves for working telling me to have fun the WHOLE day. See? I've been given permission, but it's up to me to see that it happens. :)
Update Wednesday afternoon: bid for bedside table accepted (doing happy dance!)
(photo is of Daisy the pug doing what she does best---being in my lap wherever that happens to be)