Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Just after midnight

So on the heels of my last post about our non-law-abiding neighbors, wanted to finish on an upbeat note, if that's possible this week.

Feeling my nerves shattering a bit, and thankful I have a pile of books to dig into.  Began one by an Indian author (can't remember it, books in the living room out of my reach just now), which intrigues me since having oldest daughter date sweet Indian boyfriend.  So bizarre to be introduced to this foreign-ness, but enjoyable as well.

Began work on some embroidery today.  Using the cream linen I got yesterday, and it has the prettiest thin golden threads on the top side that I didn't see when I bought it.  So dainty to look at.  Bought some variegated pearl cotton too, and am outlining some spots to put some designs in.  Thinking of something along the lines of Amy's piece (which will be like her class) or Pam's work, though much, much more amateur-like.  Much more.  I admire their ability to just jump in since I tend to over-analyze what I'll do to a ridiculous extent.  Being spontaneous with creative things tends to trip me up, thinking I've got to get it right or not do it at all.  The end result of that thinking, though, is that nothing gets done!

Must go now.  Middle daughter is overtired and needing some fussing over---should've been asleep ages ago.  We're all a bit stretched.  Needing to feel God's blanket over me/us tonight and tomorrow.  Sweet Indian boyfriend is dealing with the death of a dearly loved aunt today himself, so we're doubled up with sadness.  Sometimes life is so weighty and it's only by God's tenderness that we endure.

Deep breaths.  I know we're not alone.