Monday, April 2, 2012

Oh bother...

I can't really even remember putting up Sunday's post.  Must be I'm tired?  I realize it's about 1am on Tuesday morning, but after a 1-1/2 hour nap after dinner, I'm not quite tired enough yet.

A bit of drama at our house is becoming the norm.  I think I need to put halters on some of our kids to keep them at home and in line.  Nothing big's going on, but the emotions are running rampant and we all need extended home-time in order to slow everyone down.  And now we have folks outside our home calling the shots or having an influence and that isn't my idea of fun.

Parenting isn't enjoyable lately.  And really, when they get a bit under the weather it's almost a good thing.  Even now, middle daughter and the least one are bothered by their eyes---a bit of a virus or just pollen---who knows, but they're quieter and are having to rest a bit more. That helps when the older ones are driving me nuts.  But as I said, nothing big, but stuff that causes me to shake my head a bit more than usual.

Looking forward to Easter weekend and HOPEFULLY some down-time.  Oh, and Tuesday (really today) is making-a-tattoo-appointment day.  They were closed on Monday.  Will have to get back to you on that one.