Friday, April 13, 2012

this and that

  • just signed up for amy power's stitching class that's to be held in june.  i'm SO excited!  and it's half-price now, so that's a treat in itself
  • the boys got my mom's yard cut this morning, and she's feeling better about the car incident.  said she slept well last night, which is a blessing
  • planning a quiet weekend with few scheduled events.  really no schedule at all. thinking some quiet time, with few demands, would be healing to this scattered mind of mine
  • puttered in the garden today, cutting out intrusive little oak trees that the squirrels planted
  • will cut more roses tomorrow to bring into the house
  • have a craving for glazed donuts, so might have to buy a box this weekend
  • sons two and three on their way home from the restaurant, so must put their dishes of nachos into the oven in a minute
  • still waiting to hear if gary will get the two furniture build jobs he bid on recently....please keep praying
  • reading p.d. james' 'death comes to pemberley' on my it from the library as an convenient
  • that nap after dinner did the trick in putting me in a restful mood.  seems i rarely get enough sleep, and that really hinders the coping skills
  • best go now.  time is creeping toward midnight