The chicken's done cooking in the pot and cooling a bit so I can handle it. After a bit of a rest in bed will put together the Spanakopita w/chicken, which is our traditional Easter meal. I already mentioned that we had a change of plan, with oldest son wanting to grill out next Sunday. He's asked a guy friend from church and wants to cook for us. Made noises about grilling a cake as well. We all think that should prove interesting!
And church was sweet, this morning. The two little girls went with me, but looked a tiny bit uncomfortable with thumbing through the Book of Common Prayer, but were good sports about it. No big deal.
Now must chill out. I've mixed up the sourdough bread mixture so we'll have fresh bread for tomorrow's dinner. Trying to think ahead since tomorrow is 'make an appointment at the tattoo parlor' day. These kids keep me on my toes, no doubt about that! But besides dinner, my chores are done. Must stick my head in a book for awhile.