Not being Catholic, I still like some of their stuff. One of the books I ordered last week after watching 'Monastery' on YouTube came in the mail today. This one is Humble Pie: St. Benedict's Ladder of Humility by Carol Bonomo. Very restful reading. Very. Writers with a more evangelical bent (so many popular publishers I review for fit in that category) are a bit more aggressive with their writing angle. There's more energy. The Catholics, though, seem to have all the time in the world to get their point across. There's a quietness that's missing in some of the Protestant writing. Not sure why. And yes, while that sounds like a blanket statement, it's really not meant to be. Let's say that the Catholic books I've read fit into that box.
I like peaceful writing. The world is so noisy and if someone can get their point across with a gentleness and grace, then I'll be attracted to it. Also if there's a avoidance of too much finger-pointing, I'll appreciate that as well. I'm not talking about not calling a wrong a wrong. But maybe not force-feeding you in regards to it. Hope that makes sense. Yelling isn't necessary, but just a quiet sharing of information.
See, I've been out of the mega church for a couple of months now (had been taking the kids there on Saturday nights and going to the Anglican church on Sunday mornings), and am enjoying organ music in church again. Worship has become just that. Worship. No contemporary praise music, but hymns I remember from childhood. I'm learning to appreciate the meat in a few minutes of silence.
But the coolest thing about this new book is that in the bibliography in the back, one of Patricia's websites is noted. Even in death she keeps cropping up, and I gotta love that.