Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Kitchen cleaning and re-arranging

Second son took these two photos with his new phone, and the perspective is a tad different than when I take pictures.  For one, he's about 6'-4" tall, so his viewpoint is higher up.  Oh, and if you're paying attention, you can see the tape/velcro combination that keeps the oven door shut!

Anyway, just sharing our kitchen fiasco.  Wasn't aware he was taking shots, so these are totally unplanned. In one I'm  'thinking about it' and in the next am still thinking (while sucking down copious amounts of Coke Zero), while the least one prepares her tea.

In a cool way, we thought the photos looked like they were taken long ago---old kitchen, etc.  Well, that part is true, especially since nothing has been upgraded.

Hope to finish putting things away after nap-time.  Least that's the plan.