I'm two ways about this confirmation class at church. Have really, really enjoyed learning about the Anglican church (and the class isn't over yet), but have been flummoxed by how different some of their traditional beliefs are from my own. I even got to reading about J.I. Packer's life within the Anglican community last night. I wasn't aware when I first began visiting the Anglican church that Packer was from that faith as well. He's been in town several times speaking at reformed Presbyterian churches, and with Gary loving to read him, he's a familiar topic of conversation when church stuff comes up. That and Chesterton. Gary is crazy about him as well---and Chesterton was a Catholic, and such a cool one at that.
Anyway, fast forward. I have a problem with the viewpoint of the Anglicans/Episcopalians, Catholics and Orthodox of salvation being dependent on baptism and the consistent taking of communion. Those seem to be key. The thing is, I'm a Calvinist. But then again, so is Packer. I believe in the 5 points of Calvinism, as does Packer. Now, I'm not trying to fashion my life after his. Good luck with that! But it's encouraging to read about someone who is highly respected who's found a place in an ancient, traditional church, even though many of those members could be at odds with his belief system. Not sure if he has issues with this, but after hearing some of the comments in the confirmation class that were condemning of Calvin, well, I've had to renew my learning from the Presbyterians. It's what I know.
Doubtful if I'll go through with joining the Anglican church next month when the bishop comes. I'd rather have Gary beside me, and I think there are some things I need to iron out in my own head. Am glad at being forced to think for myself, and decide what's important. And the thing about the Presbyterians here...the church we used to go to had closed communion. I have huge problems with that. Huge. And so many of them are very upper class and don't fit in with our laid-back lifestyle. The Anglican church is more middle-of-the-road in terms of members---not so fancy and they're very comfortable to be with. And I adore the liturgy. Adore it.
It feels good to know what I believe. It's probably hard to agree with others about everything, and within a church even more so.
(for some reason this photo fits...not sure exactly why)