Friday, August 24, 2012

Books and stuff

Got back from the library about an hour ago.  It had to be quick since we had fourth son with us, and he had to be at work at around 2:30pm.  Here's my stack of books---can't vouch for most of them, so don't scold me if you wonder why I got some/any of them. I warn you, the Thomas Tryon is a horror book.  I do enjoy scary stuff sometimes.  Always have.  Not sure if that one will be over-the-top, though.  We'll see.

  • Harvest Home by Thomas Tryon
  • Lives of Monster Dogs by Kirsten Bakis
  • The Seven Sisters by Margaret Drabble
  • The Telling by Mike Duran
  • The Forgetting Room by Nick Bantock
  • The Work of E. H. Shephard---his drawings, etc....Pooh man :)
  • In the Country Style:  Timeless Designs for Today's Home
Trying to get in 'chill mode'.  Got an email last night from a neighbor/casual friend who was upset with me about something that happened over a month ago.  Me, I was clueless as to her angst.  Not feeling the love, just now, so am distracting myself with books.  Wrote her back, expressed my viewpoint once again (it dealt with one of our sons and I was a bit hot about it---justly so).  Hope she can, so to speak, bury the hatchet herself too.  Makes me dread opening up my email.

Life can pinch, and there are times when two people just can't see eye-to-eye.  I can deal with that.  Justice isn't always served, and that's got to be allowed as well.  

Have a good one.

(photo from unknown source)