Monday, August 6, 2012

A draggy sort of Monday afternoon

Trying and failing to inspire myself.  There are so many things that need to be done in this house---just basic tidiness, but I just don't want to do it. And you can't make that excuse too many times, or folks tend to not believe you're doing anything during the day.
Okay, so I'm not doing anything NOW.  Doesn't mean I'm an absolute waste of time, though. Just not very motivated.

And I hate those times when you have to get it in gear, really have to, and don't want to.  It's the same-ness that's so wearing, as any stay-at-home person will attest to.

Gary and I need to get out of the house together.  A change of venue would be a treat.  Doesn't have to be much, but something.

I think I'm in a rut.

(clickable photo from pinterest)