Window's up. Fan's blowing. It's warm, but not that warm. The breeze is cool and stirring my freshly dyed hair. :) Church was wonderful, as usual, but maybe more so since the spirit in the service was so sweet. Prayer for students and teachers, and a healing prayer at the end---that always makes me cry. To see folks gathered at the altar and to see the priest say a prayer over them while anointing them with oil is amazing. It's the tenderness of the sacrament that's so sweet.
I tend to think on services from my past and how 'sanitized' the Protestants have become. This isn't a dig, but just an observation. I've been in churches where even the topic of anointing with oil is approached with suspicion. It can be looked on as outlandish and excessive, and can make folks squirm. Maybe folks think it's too Catholic, and I'll tell you, I've had some adjusting to do myself. But I truly do love it.
Oh, as a special thank-you to God for His provision, Gary sold 3 of his wood vapors just this weekend. One was a buy one/get one and the other was a single sale. The ones with bling were bought as a pair, and the one called 'scream' will go live somewhere else as well. The scream one made me think of that painting by Edvard Munch, but Gary said it reminded him of that creepy movie of the same name. My idea was classier by a long shot.
The really neat part of those sales is that we have a bill due on Tuesday. He put the sale up last night, got contacted immediately by one buyer, and both sales (unconnected) went through this morning. The bill will be taken care of. God's timing always amazes me.
Anyway. That's what's up here. Must go rest. There's pizza to whip up later on, oldest daughter bought us some ice cream for our traditional Sunday night dessert yummies and not much else going on. Sounds like plenty.