Chickens and herbal stuff
- about to go out back and watch the procession of the chickens into their house to bed down
- it's a nightly ritual at about 7:30 in the evening
- amazing the instincts of plain, old chickens
- we just sit there and watch them eye-ball the sun going down, and off they go
- visited a neighbor this afternoon and she'd been using a homemade tincture i'd made and given her to help her sleep
- she said it didn't make her sleepy, but was curing her aches from rheumatoid arthritis
- i'd say that was a win, for sure
- never saw that coming
- that's the sort of news worth getting up for
- found a field of red clover near 4th son's workplace
- gary and i were picking him up the other day and i shouted out as we passed the clover
- stopped the truck and picked some, dug up a few pieces as well
- will try to plant it and see if i can get some of my own
- dried a couple of cupsworth---takes a lot to get enough to fool with
- red clover is pretty wonderful anyhow
- looking forward to a quiet week
- the chatty, sweet neighbor called tonight about the house she's wanting to buy, so we won't have to worry with that later on in the week
- wanted to give her time to tell me, but my head still begins to hurt when i get tense
- long phone conversations about difficulties (her ex-husband is being a stinker) are in the tense category
- oh, gary's ordered a couple of books on bee-keeping
- you can see where this is headed :)
- now it's about time for chickens
- rest well, my sweets