...a photo having nothing to do with the post |
But I totally drained any energetic juices that might've been washing around in my body. Emotional tiredness might be even more toxic than the physical sort. I'd been thinking about what I told her for weeks and weeks, and I guess it was more cryptic than I'd first believed. Wiped me out. Just finally saying what I'd been thinking about for so long---that was the problem.
The real clue was when she and I were through talking last night and I was instantly and overwhelming tired. Just out of nowhere.
Add to that the fact that I'd been resting in bed prior to our chats and one by one, the kids came down to tell me things. Chipping bits of me off here and there. And I'm taking middle daughter to the dental school tomorrow morning to have her student doctor check the wires they put in her mouth a couple of months ago to move a tooth. It'll take more time to drive there and back than to actually see him. I really don't feel as cranky as I sound. Just feeling a bit overwhelmed.
These are the sorts of mothering episodes that wipe me out. Just the small, constant things of life. Sometimes, though, I handle it better than others.