The least one was out there by herself under 5 minutes while I put dinner in the oven. Under five minutes. Then she yelled like crazy and we ALL ran outside. Two of the chickens had gotten out when Romeo (the dumbest dog on the planet...believe me, we've checked) decided to knock over the wood keeping them safe. Romeo was running after Piglet the chicken, Opal our shepherd was going full tilt as well. Opal penned the chicken in an area beside the backdoor, I tackled (yes, literally tackled) Opal with one hand dug into her fur while grabbing Romeo's harness. My goodness. Yes, an adrenaline rush once again. Feathers flying.
Piglet survived, thankfully, but the least one was a mess for about an hour, just crying. Piglet's foot or upper leg was hurt, so she just stood there, but wasn't bleeding, so that's good. She'll probably be okay. She's able to sit on the roost tonight, so I think she'll mend. Thankfully hens are stupid, so she'll not have much memory of the excitement. I'd like to be stupid sometimes, really. Memory loss? Sometimes a benefit in life.
This on the heels of this morning, Gary successfully using a BB g*un on a rat that was in the yard (I know...ewww...chicken feed draws them like a magnet), and Romeo earning his keep by catching it as it ran away holding its head. Opal was having a blast with that situation as well. I think they were experiencing deja vu when two of the chickens got loose from underneath the coop.
Dang, it made us mad. The least one said Opal won't get any doggie treats for at least a week, and she's her favorite dog. Just not tonight. Guess the way the big dogs see it...anything smaller than them and running away deserves to get caught. The thing is, they're wrong. When your owners are yelling "STOP" so loud that the neighbors are leaning in toward your house, surely the dogs hear that as well. Dang dogs.
And I won't even tell you about the two baby