Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday morning

Praying for some time to get my head on straight this weekend.  What I really need, and this is a need that's pretty consistent, is for me to turn off my brain.  To not borrow trouble, as my husband is wont to tell me.

To not think about our Pug, Violet, who might need bladder stone surgery. Daisy had it a couple of years ago, and I was pressing Violet's belly yesterday and thought I felt something.  She's had a recurring bladder infection, and even with all the tweaking of their diet, it still happens.

Along the same line, I was telling middle daughter to not get too upset about two small cavities her dental student found on Thursday for her check-up.  She's been going to appointments steadily this summer in regards to an appliance she has in her mouth to move a tooth.  Not braces, but wires nonetheless.  She's been diligent with brushing, etc., especially with the gadget in her mouth, but still, the cavities happen.

Never can be too sure, can we?  Life just does its thing no matter.

Anyway, taking the least one out tomorrow for lunch and the thrift store. We'll pick up the flowers for the church altar as well.  Our priest suggested Fresh Market for those, and going there is always a treat.  The Store of Indulgences, I call it.

And I'll apply myself to turning off my brain.  The weather's lovely and cool (who said it was July?) and rain is a possibility tonight.  With the heavy thinking I've been doing this week, some time off from that would be beneficial.  Makes me angsty.

Tidying up my nest, handwork, and reading.  That just about covers it.  And you know, I think that the Lord put the desire in women's hearts to do creative things with small bits and pieces.  To sit and sew.  To make something pretty when life is hard and not-so-pretty.  To accomplish some item of loveliness to override what might be difficult.  Just something I believe.  Might not be so, but I think it is.

Take care.