Saturday, March 1, 2014

Frazzled, but trying

Our dryer quit working yesterday---light on inside of it comes on, door switch works, but I think I've figured out what part needs replacing from researching online.  Not a big deal, especially considering the big deals I'm experiencing as the norm, here lately.

Anyway, had done 3 loads of wash, so took 2 boys to the grocery store, then to dry them (the clothes, not the boys, but reading that makes you wonder) at my mom's. It was late afternoon when the dryer gave up the ghost, otherwise I'd not have gone ahead and washed so much. Anyway.  While I was there at my mom's I threw out some of her old magazines and papers, old mail, that sort of thing.  And after I got finished going through her stuff, had sort of a panic attack.  And the last few days, have woken up with a mild headache, though I don't go to sleep with one.

I'm major stressed.

Moving on.

Went with Gary to the church this afternoon---he had to work on the cabinets he made awhile back, and I went ahead and did the flowers for the altar and re-organized the Sunday School room for the children.  Just puttering, but even that seems to be too much for me.  I went back downstairs to make a cup of tea and he asked how I was.  Honestly said I was a bit overdone and he looked right at me and asked if there was something he needed to know about.

Isn't that odd?  Typical for him, and I don't say that harshly.  He figures if nothing is being said, all is well, and he's got my mother's situation all figured out in his head, not realizing (I guess) that my head is in a tail-spin.   Right now the slightest change from my ordinary day is too much to handle.

I read something yesterday, and I can't place where I read it---but it was about how comforting daily sounds can be, especially when sometimes we're hit with unnecessary noise.  That makes such perfect sense.

Right now I'm making beef stew for dinner.  Will read something soothing tonight, and let the Lord handle all the details.  I. just. can't.  And since I know it's not God's will for me to keel over with a stroke myself, I must tend to my own needs.  That calm, cool place inside of me is hard to anchor myself to at times, but now, is so needed.  So desperately needed.  You take care.