Thursday, July 3, 2014


Feeling smacked around a bit overmuch.  Oldest daughter's pick-up truck was stolen out of our driveway overnight.  She's got a metal sleeve on her steering column (put on by previous owners after it was stolen from them too), to make it impossible to break it and hotwire it.  Still, it's gone.

Oh, and she just paid about $900.00 to get her a/c completely overhauled.  Really, you're saying?

To say we all feel sick would be an understatement.

Many things in life are hitting against us right now.  Work, third son's relationship with his girlfriend, now this....just overwhelmed.

But still it stands that, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."~Romans 8:28 emphasis mine

And He is faithful.