Monday, July 14, 2014
A day of cleaning, with the two youngest girls taking over. The work they get done in a short amount of time is amazing. With that done, sort of a Monday routine, we can relax a bit tomorrow. It's second son's 25th birthday, so we'll make curry and naan for dinner, plus middle daughter will bake his cake. Unfortunately he's working (and lives away in an apartment with first-born, so we can't hit up on him first thing). He'll probably pop in mid-day before he goes on into work, but he'll be here to eat after his stint at the restaurant. That'll be late, though, about eleven pm or so. We'll eat at the regular time and save his...with him blowing out candles late. Can't be helped.
Just finished watching some old home movies. Everybody is in them, with the least one being less than a month old in one (2002) and walking in the next one (2003). Everyone was so cute, eating all the time, but being silly. Guess they had a happy childhood, hmmm? Oldest daughter cuts a look at me when I say things like that. Just checking. ;) Making gingerbread cookies, the vacuum cleaner still sitting in the hallway as it is this very minute, folded clothes piled up on the back of the sofa, middle daughter who was about 3 wearing her turtleneck shirt inside out with the tag hanging out, g.i. joes, but lots of laughs. It passes way too quickly.
I had tea on the front porch after dinner....still raining. Supposed to be cooler tonight and the next few days. Bliss.