Sunday, July 27, 2014

Off I go.....

Like lots of folks I have a Facebook account, one at Twitter and also at Tumblr.  I just spent some time on FB clearing out some pages I follow because they get contentious and ugly. Throw up an opinion, even on Anglican boards, and folks come out of the woodwork wanting the world to hear their points of view.  My head can't take it anymore, so check them off I go. I still follow, but don't have to read every discussion and every opinion.  So many folks vary on their faiths, and it's a day's work to keep up.  As it is, I know what I believe, am no theologian so sound lame when I defend my own beliefs, so it's best I stay out of it.

And even on our neighborhood association's page, I'm constantly amazed at how nosy folks are.  Controlling and in your face.  I don't have time.  Last week, I read that we were criticized for our landscaping---that it was to blame for our daughter's truck getting stolen.  That's a stretch.  A lesbian couple (not an issue, but it is an issue), who are very militant in their lifestyle tend to let it spill over in how they treat folks.  Said on the board (within my reading, not privately), that everyone knew about the house on 'our' street with the lovely flowers and nice we can't see criminals on our property and how we're overgrown, which is fine (said quietly), but we're tempting fate by not cutting down our bushes, etc.  She actually said the thieves could have changed their oil in our driveway in the time it would've taken us to catch them.  What?  Who's watching out their windows between 2am and 5am? They want us to look like everyone else who has rounded bushes, no privacy and are paranoid about their sterile yards?  Again, I have no time.  I called her on it, saying (nicely) that it was rude to single out our house, which she apologized to.  I offered then to cut her some flowers. Nuts.  She was fine after that, but really, you need to exercise some self-control.  It's our neighborhood, but it's not her house we were talking about.  Which, by the way, is painted an ugly orange color.  We should hold a meeting and ban her hideous color choice.  Not my business.

Get a life.  Plus the time it takes to argue with strangers.  What's up with that?  We talk to folks we don't know online in a way we'd never speak to someone to their face.  And we do it very willingly.  I've been guilty.  But I'm done.  Life is too short.  Heck, life is too short for the nonsense in my own life to borrow someone else's.

And, as you see from the porch, we have LOTS of privacy.  The thing is, in this day and time, people stay indoors most of the time, but come out to argue and holler and leave loud rap music playing in their vehicles while they go inside, at least that's our experience with our neighbors.  We've planted specifically to block our view from what they're doing.  Might still hear them, but we don't have to see them.  Our oasis, and that's as it should be.

Why am I all worked about folks I don't even know?  Ahem.  Thinking I need to look elsewhere, eh?