“There always comes, I think, a sort of peak in suffering at which either you win over your pain or your pain wins over you, according as to whether you can, or cannot, call up that extra ounce of endurance that helps you to break through the circle of yourself and do the hitherto impossible. That extra ounce carries you through 'le dernier quart d' heure.' Psychologists have a name for it, I believe. Christians call it the Grace of God.”~from Elizabeth Goudge's The Castle on the Hill
Hot as the dickens today, so put the a/c back in the bedroom window. Much heavier putting it in than taking it out! Something about bending over, versus just reaching over. Well, it's done. Blasting away now. If we can stomach tomorrow, then Monday should be pleasant again.
Went to hippie store and got 2 ounces of Chasteberry, which is supposed to be excellent for peri-menopause. Going to make a tincture on Monday. Also got some Black Currant loose tea, which I'm drinking now. Also, planning on coloring my hair tonight when the bathroom is empty. Vidal Sassoon has a new color (not sure I've ever used this brand), and it was on sale and it's called Deep Velvet Violet. Trying to live a little. My grey is freshly covered in dark brown, so this might just be a sweet freshener. Change can be good.
With my Staycation mindset, I'm succeeding in slowing down my thoughts and actions. Even my tendency on the blog here has switched from madness to a bit of contentment. And what I can't change (a lengthy list, let me tell you), will have to be dealt with by the Lord. I think that's the way it should be after all.
Take care. Find time to rest, and let it go. Seems to be good advice.