Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday noon-time

We're in the midst of a mortgage restructure in order to take advantage of the lower interest rate. Otherwise our house would be paid off in five years if we could avoid this, but it seems necessary. As it is, we begin a note of half, but that 5 years will be stretched into our old age. I'm reminded of folks who've lost their homes in unfortunate circumstances. Doing their best, and still, stuff happens. One of my brothers-in-law had built a huge home, thinking they'd be able to take in his parents when the time came, but had to sell at a great loss in the past year. Humiliatingly enough, now they're renting from a niece. His wife had to go back to work, and they're trying to stay within her salary because of his own job insecurities.  Hard times.

    Difficult to keep perspective, sometimes.

    The really hard part comes when we're ashamed to admit to these sorts of things. When believers try to paint a face of perfection when it's just plain devastating.

    It does pile up, though, but thankfully the Lord tucks in little gifts of His goodness that make it all balance. Just have to be tuned  into it.

    Open the windows, sweep a room, arrange some flowers, watch the hummingbirds at the feeder, sit with the chickens.....daily tasks and amusements that are spirit-settling.

    My boys are still misbehaving, my mom still needs consistent care, our money is tight, but my marriage is as strong as it's ever been. And my girl children are my chief blessing now. It does all balance out.