Tuesday, September 23, 2014

'The Sacred Year' by Michael Yankowski

I'm held to a 200 or so word review, but can sum this book up by saying I absolutely adore it.  Will that work?  No, seriously, I opened Michael Yankowski's book called The Sacred Year and was drawn in from the first page.  His opening story about being disillusioned and worn out was perfect, and he made me laugh.  And he continued with sharing how totally sacred God is.  With our acceptance of mundane living, it's easy to forget that part.

Here's a beautiful quote from the book:

"The God who called you into existence ex nihilo---out of nothing---is the same God who holds you in existence this moment and every moment.  Were he to withdraw this hand, you would vanish without memory.....he wants you to exist.  And not just exist.  He wants you to live life in all its fullness."

Liturgy.  Ritual.  Authentic faith.  Appreciation for God as the awesome Creator are fully shared in the book.  The Sacred Year---what a perfect title.  Michael sets aside a year to experience God.  Both personally and in a broader sense he attends to his Christian walk.  He's attentive, and that's all any of us can do.  Be attentive to the voice of God.

(i received this book free to review from booklookbloggers)