Thursday, September 4, 2014

'Move On' by Vicki Courtney

"My healing journey began when I finally granted myself permission not to be okay.  Not to stay there forever, of course, but rather to acknowledge that not being okay is a perfectly normal part of the Christian journey."

Excellent quote and it, pretty much, sizes up the whole gist of Vicki Courtney's book called Move On.  For the most part, I enjoyed the book, but for me it began to lag somewhere in the middle when I got bogged down in too many stories.  Too much personal information.  

While I understand the necessity for folks to air their pains, I really don't agree with the wisdom of telling every little secret.  For others to be blessed through your messes, is it necessary to share your family's hidden secrets as well?  

Yes, life is very messy and Christians should be the first to admit that they go to church with a lot of sinners, who are also saved.  We need to get over ourselves and our need to be perfect.  Point taken, and Courtney shares tips in achieving a greater self esteem, which I'm in favor of.  But not at the cost of too much information.  We shouldn't have to bear it all to the public at large in order to find peace.

(i received this book free to review from BookLookBloggers)