Sunday, September 7, 2014

We had Church

Confirmations this morning.  Second son came, which was a gift for all of us...the least one especially wanted him there.  He's usually wrapped up in the inner-city church where's he's a member.  Nice for this momma to have an additional child sit on our pew.  Well, we overflowed and took up part of an additional one, but who's complaining?  My heart was full.  Sweet Indian boyfriend was there too for oldest daughter's confirmation.

And the Holy Spirit was in evidence.  Tears.  Lots of that.  A sweet sermon from our Bishop, and he usually cries at some point when he gives the lesson, and I'm always drawn to that.

He spoke about the verses in the New Testament where the Lord says He'll supply all our needs.  He paused and asked if we really believed that.  Serious pause.  A head-shaking moment.  Magical.  For a brief bit of time I actually believed in the truth of that Scripture.  

And then the doubt sneaks in.

May my faith grow this week.  And may I actually believe the Truth of His Word.