Thursday, April 30, 2015

'God's Beloved Daughters' by Merrilyn Grodecki

The devotional called God's Beloved Daughters by Merrilyn Grodecki is unusual in that she tells a personal story in her Introduction about an event that happened when she was only 3 years old.  It was a frightening event that affected several decades of her life until the Lord came into her heart at a later date.  She was indwelt by a demon.  I found this astounding, mostly because of her young age, but she tells of hearing about God's salvation power in her thirties, and as the Lord came to her, the evil spirit left.  Not quite sure what I make of that, not that I doubt the capabilities of the evil one.  But at three years old?  But who am I to say?  Unfortunately, that information colored my impression of the rest of the book.  Also, her website includes a recommended book list with such authors as Charles Capps, Gloria Copeland, and Kenneth Hagin---who I believe to be 'name it and claim' it adherents.  

If you can get around that:

Her devotional appears to be very sound.  Her knowledge is thorough, and she willingly shares her life stories and faith.  For devotional-lovers, her book is a good choice.  It's not trite, and is full of wisdom.  I just felt tripped up a bit with the childhood story and the reading list.

(i received this e-book free to review from booklookbloggers)