Oxford, Mississippi. Toured Faulkner's home. Got to spend the day with my sweet oldest daughter. Took a couple of snaps with my phone of his bedroom, but wish I had done the same with the room he wrote in---just a bit more intriguing. There's his writing on the wall in there. Heard the tour host say that 95% of the furniture in the house is original to what Faulkner used. I like that. Reading his book The Hamlet now. Once you get in the swing of it, he's pretty smooth reading.
There was an older man touring the house as we were. He was telling a personal story related to Faulkner. Not sure if he knew him or his family, but it was like he did. His voice took on a warm sound as he looked at the books and personal items. Kind of sweet. 'Course the man couldn't have been a contemporary of Faulker's since he'd be in his hundreds if he was still living, being that he was born in 1897, like my own grandparents. Still, I always enjoy hearing folks tell stories.
A nice weekend, and weather to boot.