Thursday, April 30, 2015

'Savor' by Shauna Niequist

Shauna Niequist's book of devotions called Savor is a very sweet collection.  Not too light, deep at times in spiritual truths, and full of personal stories that tell of her own struggles.  It's the perfect devotional for a mom who's strapped for time, or for anyone who wants a less-restrictive bit of reading in the morning.

I've not read her other books, but women who've read Bread and Wine, or Cold Tangerines have praised her writing.  This is apparently more of the same---easy-to-read and refreshing.

Generally speaking, I'm not a big fan of devotional type books, feeling that they're often dry and boring.  Shauna proves that this isn't always the case.  I do like Savor very, very much.

My only regret is that I now own the e-book.  Hard to wander through a devotional on the Kindle when I'd rather dog-ear it in person.

(i received this e-book free to review from booklookbloggers)