Maundy Thursday services last night, and awesome is the only word. Every time I see the altar stripped of everything one item at a time, I feel a shiver. No candles, hymnbooks, Bibles, incense, altar cloths, chalices, remainder of Communion vessels, nothing left. All physical aspects of God's presence are taken away. His Spirit gone. Really makes you think. A void nothing else can fill, though we'll try our best.
After we left services, I had about 45 minutes at home before I had to go back for my hour of the Prayer Vigil. One of my very favorite bits of the entire year, bar everything I do. Candles are lit at the back of the church, a kneeler set up and votives representing everyone who'll pray. One per hour. Each person who comes lights a candle. A total of about 22 or so folks. Our own Garden of Gethsemane. Prayer books, a Bible, a copy of Augustine's Prayer Book (which I privately covet) and as much silence as you can drink in. The streetlights shine through the stained glass and it really is a holy time. Imagine the angels hanging about. I did. Love that.
I left all of my baggage there. My frustrations with my life which include, of course, my children---my husband's work slow-down, my mom's care, my health issues lately, but mostly my intense rage. Very intense rage. I hadn't realize how much bottled up anger I'd been dealing with, or not dealing with is more apt. Left it all.
Today has been blessed. Cleaned the house in preparation for our Easter dinner. And, here's a bit of news. My mom is going with us to services at our church on Sunday (she's Methodist, but hasn't been to church in months), and she's coming over for dinner as well. One thing I could understand her doing, but both? I'm sort of excited about it. I know, not what you expected me to say. I'm feeling strongly she's maybe had some more weird brain activity. She's a bit more child-like, but who's to know. While we've had our moments, now is what's important. And holidays are special. We should be together. Oldest son might come too. Will have to hear back from him to know for sure.
But even before that, I'll meet up with the Altar Guild tomorrow around noon and we'll put the altar back to rights. Fresh linens and all. Easter lilies. And tomorrow night we'll have our Easter Vigil and a special banquet afterward. And that's only Saturday. I'll have to hand it to them. Our church sure does a Feast Day in a wonderful fashion.
Oh, and I find it curious to have a Lunar Eclipse on Easter weekend. Not earth-shattering, but just curious. I'm hoping to get up at around 5:15am to see at least a partial bit of it. Don't think we'll get the full effect. Still, I do love being outside just before sunrise. So peaceful. Then back to bed. :)
Happy Easter ahead-of-time.