Every so often at church, maybe about every other month, our priest offers the sacrament of Holy Unction, the anointing of the sick.
Oldest daughter has been plagued by an eye ailment off and on for about six months. She's been to four doctors, the final one an expensive ophthalmologist. Nothing. Just a diagnosis of dry eye. Anyway, she's been upping her vitamins and keeping a patch on it during the day, an eye mask at night. She has pain that flares at night, but thankfully is better. It's just such a lengthy process.
I say all that to say this. Never have I walked to the communion rail for this, but with her often in tears at the length of time the healing has taken, I mentioned that I'd go down with her, if she wanted to. And we did, along with about 15-20 other folks. The communion rail was full.
Our priest uses a delicious-smelling holy oil to anoint, makes the sign of the cross on each person's forehead, and palms of the hands, then places his hand on your head. He speaks these words, depending on the request:
O Lord, look down from heaven, behold, visit, and relieve this thy servant. Look upon him with the eyes of thy mercy, give him comfort and sure confidence in thee, defend him in all danger, and keep him in perpetual peace and safety; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
or more like here.
Isn't that beautiful?
Anyway, our priest walked before each person, taking such a time with everyone. No rushing. Each one spoke their request, which wasn't always about sickness, but sometimes an interceding or prayer for the salvation of a loved one. As he prayed over each person, I could feel such a Presence. It was amazing. I began to cry, which is the norm for me at church, and as I told him I was there for our daughter---he marked my forehead and hands, laid his hand on my head and never have I felt the Lord in that church as I did yesterday morning. It was as if a cloud hovered over that communion rail. Amazement was the emotion. Startling.
And the scent of the oil in my hair lasted all day. An incense lifted up to Heaven.
And do you know, it's because of sickness I was able to feel that. Not health, but need. Think on that.