Sometimes I feel a glimmer of Heaven. A whoosh passes through my spirit and it happened today. Had the radio on, after leaving the Mediterranean store (and the young Middle Eastern woman who waited on me wore a cross around her neck, which was awesome with all the Muslim paraphernalia in there) with my box of tea, and was just sitting in the van listening to Casting Crown's Just Be Held (excellent lyrics). Everything for a brief moment made sense. The pain and tears all fell into place. Just for a moment.
With our sons defection from the Lord, rather than driving me away from Him, it's pushed me even closer. Odd to say that their sin has worked as a blessing in my own life. I can really say that.
Maybe this is one of those 'count it all joy' situations?
Okay, I get it. Not all the time, but today, I get it.
And this has been a week full of Grace anyway. My friend Tina's generous gift enabling us to pay for our part in the wedding. Gary's had work all week, and plans are falling into place.
* * *
Had a good time at Michael's with the kids this afternoon as well. Bought Autumn-ish decorations for the rehearsal dinner tables. Sort of excited to set it all up, even with my grumbling yesterday. Don't have everything nailed down, but went to the dollar store and found vases, raffia and plastic ware I'll get on Monday. Just need firm numbers of what to buy.
Thankfully God is patient with my/our fussing. He allows the human element to have its way, but is always there to fall against. Love that. A firm foundation indeed.