Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Wedding things and chickens

Cool story.  First of all, my dear friend Tina gave us money when she was in town, and she was glad we'd be able to use it for the wedding.  I don't know what we would've done otherwise.  Seriously.  So, with the blessing of provisions at hand, Gary and I went through what needed to be bought, making a list for groceries/supplies for the BBQ rehearsal dinner, keeping in mind the girls' clothes and our youngest son's tux, and also a jacket (he's found a Ralph Lauren one at thrift store near his shop) and tie for Gary (who owned no neckties until he got a bow-tie the other day), shoes for him (he got some wicked wingtips at the thrift store), and some things for me.  I prayed specifically for what I wanted this morning, even visualizing the short black leather ankle boots I really wanted.  Had found some online at a local shoe store, and knew what would look good with the dress I already had (one Gary bought for me last year) for the wedding.  And a white blouse to go with it.  That's all.

Walked into the big Goodwill across town, headed for the shoes, and there were the boots, and in the right size. Went to the blouses, tried on two and one was perfect.  Beading on the collar making it very wedding-worthy.

And, and, and....the least one got a party dress, said it made her feel like a fairy, and some black patent leather flats.  All the girls got something, and we're, pretty much, set for clothes for the wedding.

Answered prayer like this is awesome.  Plain awesome.


In more serious news, there were ten, count 'em, ten hawks circling over our backyard this afternoon. The chickens huddled under their coop, Milk peeking out and looking up at the sky through the oak tree.  Kept making a worried little sound.  Since it's illegal to kill the hawks, we used an air pistol and just made noise, startling them.  Eventually, they flew away.  Parents teaching the babies to fly and hunt, no doubt.  I ended up draping sheets across the fences around the chicken yard. Oldest daughter and I sat out with them until the danger passed, Milk getting in my lap.  So sweet, but not funny.

Tomorrow is a home day.  Dinner bought, straightening a badly messed up house.  Rest.