Saturday, August 22, 2015

Saturday morning

Tea in bed.  Window up.  Children sleeping in.  Dark skies.  Gentle rain.  Deep breaths.  No stress today.  At least, that's my plan.

Just had a sweet conversation with my mom just now regarding the wedding.  Threw some thoughts her way, drinking in her wisdom.  I realize it's tough for her, with the stroke, being on the outskirts of whatever's going on.  She used to be a doer, now has to be a watcher.  Not easy.  So, we talked about the rehearsal dinner and such, which was good for both of us.

But overall, I'm taking today off from planning anything.  Nothing more I can do or buy until I talk to the rehearsal dinner hostess tomorrow night.  Spoke to our groom about hauling tables from our church to the hostess' house.  He says he's probably got some guy friends who can help.  That would be huge.  We'll see.

Anyway, will buy altar flowers later on, and maybe stop in the Mediterranean shop for some loose tea.  A treat, since we've been using plain old Lipton teabags, which are fine, but I'm spoiled---so enjoy the making of tea when it's from a tin of loose tea.  An event.  A ritual.

Simple pleasures, which have been too few and far between for me.

Reading Like Water for Chocolate, which is perfect for today.  Had snapped it up at the library used bookstore for a buck awhile back and hadn't begun reading it until this morning.  Very restful, so far.

I need to take care of myself for today.  This-coming week is the last full week before wedding week.  Pace myself.  Do only what's necessary.  Don't take on any pressure that's not mine.  You know, stress seems to be like a sickness.  Stay around a person who's running their self ragged (thinking of the bride) and you follow suit.  I can't and won't.  Adrenal fatigue.  My body keeps reminding me of my limitations, which can be a blessing.  Otherwise I'd be over-busy.  Not necessary.  Will have a healing weekend, then let the nonsense commence.

This is the day the Lord hath made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.