OK, said I'd talk about this book for a minute today after finishing it, and here it is. A sweet book, and a very sincere one. Not great literature to knock your socks off, but the writer (and his co-writer) get to the point quickly, and appear to be very honest. This isn't a book to impress folks, but one written from the heart.
The book is filled with lots of comments from friends and others who were impacted by the story. That in itself sells the book to me. Folks are being saved. That's the bottom line.
Critics can blast away, but as far as I'm concerned, you can't take away from the true spirit of what actually happened to Dan Piper. Well done. Very well done.
The book is filled with lots of comments from friends and others who were impacted by the story. That in itself sells the book to me. Folks are being saved. That's the bottom line.
Critics can blast away, but as far as I'm concerned, you can't take away from the true spirit of what actually happened to Dan Piper. Well done. Very well done.