It's early yet. For me. I realize some folks get up early everyday, but I'm not some folks by choice. Daisy woke up somewhere between five thirty and six---restless to get outside, with Violet not far behind her.
Thinking about the day. Oldest daughter said she'd go grocery shopping for me this morning...taking a couple of the boys with her. The list is made, dinner plans all set out until Thursday. I like having that done. And her help is a huge blessing, truly.
I need to get a handle on the day before it gets control of me. Listen to a gerbil on a wheel. The first sentence of this paragraph spells out clearly the bug-bear I contend with. An attitude of continual work. I've mentioned on F*cebook about needing to be more like a Mary and less like a Martha. It's not that my life is out of control, but like many homeschool moms, guilt seems to overwhelm me and I work overmuch to compensate. Fear is a terrible teacher, and I always feel like I let my kids down. 'Course there's always more to do/teach/control, and my ability to find joy in life in the midst of it is sadly lacking. (I realize I'm repeating myself, but it's my blog and I'll repeat myself!)
Some of you get what I'm saying. When there's honestly one more thing always lurking in my head, needing attention, I realize that 'not' doing it can drag me down. How to find ballance is hard.
To sprinkle in happiness is my goal, but with 8 children, a huge challenge. For those women of large families who appear to have it all together (at least in a virtual sense)---you're leading people on. It's just not possible. Life is hard, but with the Lord's help, deep-down joy is possible. Sometimes harder to reach than at other times.
Thinking about the day. Oldest daughter said she'd go grocery shopping for me this morning...taking a couple of the boys with her. The list is made, dinner plans all set out until Thursday. I like having that done. And her help is a huge blessing, truly.
I need to get a handle on the day before it gets control of me. Listen to a gerbil on a wheel. The first sentence of this paragraph spells out clearly the bug-bear I contend with. An attitude of continual work. I've mentioned on F*cebook about needing to be more like a Mary and less like a Martha. It's not that my life is out of control, but like many homeschool moms, guilt seems to overwhelm me and I work overmuch to compensate. Fear is a terrible teacher, and I always feel like I let my kids down. 'Course there's always more to do/teach/control, and my ability to find joy in life in the midst of it is sadly lacking. (I realize I'm repeating myself, but it's my blog and I'll repeat myself!)
Some of you get what I'm saying. When there's honestly one more thing always lurking in my head, needing attention, I realize that 'not' doing it can drag me down. How to find ballance is hard.
To sprinkle in happiness is my goal, but with 8 children, a huge challenge. For those women of large families who appear to have it all together (at least in a virtual sense)---you're leading people on. It's just not possible. Life is hard, but with the Lord's help, deep-down joy is possible. Sometimes harder to reach than at other times.