Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursday night

A good day. Well, mentally stressful in terms of Olive, but good nonetheless. With my tendency to clean when I'm fretful, the house is tidy. A blessing in an odd way. :) Got the groceries bought to last a day or two, and wound up the day with the least one (she's 7) mopping the kitchen floor after dinner and loving every minute of it. There's a lesson there somewhere with her sweet attitude.

Found out from one of my husband's brothers that the babies they're adopting will probably be born very soon---maybe even before the Memorial holiday weekend is upon us. There's an incredible story attached to this adoption of little twins. They're due next month, but as twins are wont to do, might be here sooner. I've been so excited since my BIL's phone call this afternoon that my adrenaline has been pumping non-stop. So excited. Takes a bit of the hurt away from Olive being sick, you know?

My, that was a disjointed couple of paragraphs! Must be off now to move the sprinkler. The flowers are up and so pretty now, but we've not had rain in a week, I guess, so things are a bit dry.

Enjoy your evening.