While the majority of the kids eat lunch at my mom's today, I'll take bleached blond son out for a bit. He needs some away time....he got rattled last night while walking Opal. A guy around the block had his dogs out loose, and was letting them wander in front of his house and across the street, just in our son's path. Our son froze when it was obvious that the owner wasn't going to call his dogs. Opal, with her German Shepherd tendencies, will stand right by him and growl or bark. Last night she just stood there, keeping an eye out. She really is wonderful, just doing her job---and she does look intimidating. One of those other dogs appeared to be a Shepherd/Rottweiler mix, so the idea of a dogfight was a real possibility. Son called one of our cellphones and he was picked up. Afterwards, our son said he was worried to walk away, not knowing what the other dogs would do---would they chase them, or what. The guy just didn't get it, talking about his dogs being pushovers and all....telling our son to not worry about it. My husband went over later on with this son to talk to the guy, making sure there wasn't any anger on anyone's part, and talked to his wife. Turns out the guy had left for a bit. She said their dogs shouldn't have been loose either, and was a peach. Guess all's well that ends well, eh? Does make you wonder why folks seem so clueless, though.
As to other things, winding down the schoolwork. My heart's not in it, feeling more like Spring fever in this house. We're dragging and not too motivated to finish up the work, but we will. The two oldest school-age boys have finished their Warriner's Grammar and I'm greatly pleased. It's taken us 2 years to go through the whole book, and it may be the first textbook that any of the children have worked through start to finish. I remember as a child, getting to the end of the year and seeing that we weren't anywhere near the last chapter. Not unusual.
Not much else going on. My mind's on home repairs for the Summer...preoccupied with paint colors and the plan to recaulk the windows. Oh joy! No, really I'm looking forward to it. Progress always gets me excited, and to tidy up parts of the house that need looking after gives me a rush. Must be off now. Not that I'll do anything but sit with the Pugs, but need to get away from this machine.
As to other things, winding down the schoolwork. My heart's not in it, feeling more like Spring fever in this house. We're dragging and not too motivated to finish up the work, but we will. The two oldest school-age boys have finished their Warriner's Grammar and I'm greatly pleased. It's taken us 2 years to go through the whole book, and it may be the first textbook that any of the children have worked through start to finish. I remember as a child, getting to the end of the year and seeing that we weren't anywhere near the last chapter. Not unusual.
Not much else going on. My mind's on home repairs for the Summer...preoccupied with paint colors and the plan to recaulk the windows. Oh joy! No, really I'm looking forward to it. Progress always gets me excited, and to tidy up parts of the house that need looking after gives me a rush. Must be off now. Not that I'll do anything but sit with the Pugs, but need to get away from this machine.