Thursday, May 14, 2009

About sleep and stuff

The reality is that I get only about 5-6 hours of sleep a night. That's a given, and must be a plain old habit by now. My brain clicks on early, and the dogs encourage that. They're ready, let me tell you. And, like I mentioned the other morning, the slightest noise can wake me up. Today it was our next door neighbor's truck alarm going off. At around 5:30am, we had a bit of lightning and thunder (just a smidgen), and that always causes his alarm to kick in---over and over and over. Guess he doesn't hear it!??!

I'm not really grumpy either. Figure I might as well adjust my mental attitude, because this is the way it is. Complaining doesn't help, and moving the dogs to a different part of the house won't fix it either. Daisy is up at 6am everyday now, regardless. My husband has already tried to help by suggesting that the puppies be put in a different room (aside from the kitchen, which is by our bedroom), but habits die hard. They'll wake up and be ready to go out no matter. So, that idea is out. Besides, if the kids took them out, I'd hear them....(refer to first paragraph).

The end result is to make the best of it. Won't last forever, 'cause things rarely do. I have the luxury of nap time later on. Don't have to go anywhere today, until the bookstore visit tonight. Truly I'm fortunate in my ability to tuck in a short rest here and there---nothing's pushing me except my dailies, and they'll get done no matter.

The only glitch to little sleep is not feeling as perky as I'd like. I'd love to feel bouncy, but maybe at this time of my life, that's not possible. Guess I'll just take this as it comes, and not get my knickers in too much of a twist, eh? Maybe there's a lesson in all of this. Maybe not. Every event in life isn't a spiritual issue, but plain living. I have a lot to be thankful and I'll focus on that. Mostly melatonin. :)

To end this on a high note...go here for a smile.